How can I distribute lyrics for my tracks through Unchained Music?
Currently, Unchained Music does not support lyrics within the application. However, if you want to distribute lyrics for your tracks, you can follow these steps:
- Use the Appropriate Formatting: Ensure that your lyrics are properly formatted. Correct formatting is essential to ensure that your lyrics can be accurately distributed to stores.
- Fill Out the Form: Unchained Music provides a dedicated form for submitting lyrics. You can access this form by clicking here.
- Submit Your Lyrics: Complete the form with the correctly formatted lyrics for your tracks. Make sure to provide accurate information, including the track title, artist name, and any other relevant details.
- Review and Confirmation: After submitting your lyrics, review the information you provided to ensure its accuracy. Once you are satisfied, confirm the submission.
- Distribution Process: Unchained Music will process your request to distribute the lyrics to stores. Please note that it may take some time for the distribution to be completed.
- Check with Stores: Once the distribution is complete, you can check with the stores and platforms where your music is available to see if the lyrics have been added to your tracks.
It's important to follow the correct formatting and submission process outlined by Unchained Music to ensure that your lyrics are distributed accurately. Keep in mind that the availability of lyrics on different platforms may vary, and it may not be offered by all stores or streaming services.
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